Communication Plan Report cards will be issued at the end of each of three terms including term grades and details of the student’s progress in each course. Within each term, current grades will be uploaded to Powerschool where they are accessible to students and parents/guardians on an approximately weekly basis. Any daily homework or other due dates will be posted on this website as well as sent out using the Remind App ( see below for instructions on joining Remind). Please ensure that family phone numbers and email addresses are updated with the school to facilitate any direct communication necessary to update you on your child’s progress. Should you have any questions, concerns, or updates, feel free to contact me. Please add me to Remind by texting the appropriate code to 902 200-1064 If your child is in: 702 French text @702fla20 802 French text @802902fl 902 French text @802902fl 802 Healthy Living text @89mdv 902 Healthy Living text @89mdv 702 Social Studies text @702sh20 802 Social Studies text @802sh 902 Citizenship @902ec20 701 Core French @701cor |